Sub-freezing temperatures tonight, coupled with lingering moisture
and slush on roadways, will lead to slick spots and patches of
black ice. Ice on roads can be very difficult or impossible to
see at night. Temperatures across most areas will drop below
freezing by early Saturday evening, with temperatures not rising
above freezing until at least mid-morning Sunday.
Use extra caution while driving and slow down to reduce your
risk. Avoid sudden breaking or rapid lane changes if possible.
Seth Meyers Rips Into Trump Over L.A. Fires Reaction in ‘Late Night’ Monoloogue
Seth Meyers didn’t hold back on Thursday night (January 9) when it came to President-elect Donald Trump and his reaction to the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles, California.
“We first and foremost want to send our thoughts and our love to everyone who’s been affected,” Meyers said at the top of Thursday’s Late Night With Seth Meyers. “Almost everyone who works on this show, myself included, have dear friends and family who have been impacted by this nightmare. We all just want to say we’re thinking of you.”
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