Sub-freezing temperatures tonight, coupled with lingering moisture
and slush on roadways, will lead to slick spots and patches of
black ice. Ice on roads can be very difficult or impossible to
see at night. Temperatures across most areas will drop below
freezing by early Saturday evening, with temperatures not rising
above freezing until at least mid-morning Sunday.
Use extra caution while driving and slow down to reduce your
risk. Avoid sudden breaking or rapid lane changes if possible.
The fear level of this country was raised enormously on Jan. 1, 2025 — the day of the terrorist attack in New Orleans — where 14 people were killed and numerous others hurt, some seriously, by a deranged man who drove a truck down a sidewalk in the French Quarter. Add to that the truck explosion that took place on the same day in front of a hotel in Las Vegas. Of course, terrorism occurs in other parts of the world but not so much in the United States. However, what occurred on the first day of January reminds us again just how vulnerable we all are.
Consequently, since fear — or anxiety which often leads to fear — is no stranger to any of us, I thought it might be helpful to indicate some ways of dealing with it.
The Rev. Hal Brady is an ordained United Methodist minister and executive director of Hal Brady Ministries, based in Atlanta. You can watch him preach every week on the Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters TV channel Thursdays at 8 p.m.
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