* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of
one inch or less are expected, mainly north of the Atlanta metro
area. Locally higher snow accumulations are possible across the
northern mountains. Additional ice accumulations of up four tenths
of an inch possible.
* WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central,
northeast, northwest, and west central Georgia.
* WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Saturday.
* IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will
continue to be slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation
on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread and
long-lasting power outages. Power outages and tree damage are
likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The
hazardous conditions will impact the afternoon and evening
commute. Impacts will continue overnight and into the morning
hours Saturday, as slushy roads refreeze.
If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in
your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for
the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1.
Persons should consider delaying all travel. Motorists should use
extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary.
One day while we were watching some of our grandchildren at our house, at one point they commissioned me to hide a stuffed animal somewhere in our living room. When they commenced their search, it didn’t take them long to discover its hiding place. Therefore, I was asked to find a more difficult location on their next attempt. Apparently I succeeded. Even the older of the three who were involved couldn’t solve the mystery without being given a few hints as to the object’s location. We were laughing and enjoying the futility of their efforts as they would look past the hiding place, walk right by it, and otherwise fail in their search.
Let’s be careful that we don’t look at God and His will in a similar manner. Sometimes we can view His will for us as being some great mystery that He intentionally hides from us or tries to make difficult for us to unearth. God is not playing games with us while taking pleasure over our futile attempts to find out His plans and purposes for us. On the contrary, He wants us to know Him, to understand His will, and to live accordingly.
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