* WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog.
* WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central,
northeast, and west central Georgia.
* WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning.
* IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.
If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of
distance ahead of you.
The top finishers in the spelling bee — winner Patton Wright (Ola Middle School) and runners-up Madeline Sorto (Stockbridge Middle School), Alexa Fraser (Woodland Middle School) and Lila Sciacca (New Hope Elementary).
The top finishers in the spelling bee — winner Patton Wright (Ola Middle School) and runners-up Madeline Sorto (Stockbridge Middle School), Alexa Fraser (Woodland Middle School) and Lila Sciacca (New Hope Elementary).
The 2024-25 Henry County Schools Spelling Bee champion Patton Wright, of Ola Middle School.
Ola Middle School student Patton Wright won the recent 2024-25 Henry County Schools Spelling Bee. Runners-up were Stockbridge Middle School’s Madeline Sorto, Woodland Middle School’s Alexa Fraser and New Hope Elementary’s Lila Sciacca.
Over the past decade, America’s home prices have skyrocketed, far outpacing wage growth and inflation: U.S. home values have grown by more than 95%, while average hourly earnings saw a modest 44% increase, and the Consumer Price Index rose by just 33%.Construction Coverage’s newest report br… Click for more.Cities With the Largest Increase in Home Prices Over the Last Decade
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