Jan 10, 2025; Arlington, Texas, USA; Texas Longhorns head coach Steve Sarkisian before the College Football Playoff semifinal against the Ohio State Buckeyes in the Cotton Bowl at AT&T Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Tim Heitman-USA TODAY Sports
After reportedly turning down interviews with two NFL teams regarding their coaching vacancies, Texas coach Steve Sarkisian agreed to a new seven-year deal, ESPN reported on Saturday.
Per ESPN's report, the deal tacks on another year to Sarkisian's existing contract and ensures he will be among college football's highest-paid coaches.
Over the past decade, America’s home prices have skyrocketed, far outpacing wage growth and inflation: U.S. home values have grown by more than 95%, while average hourly earnings saw a modest 44% increase, and the Consumer Price Index rose by just 33%.Construction Coverage’s newest report br… Click for more.Cities With the Largest Increase in Home Prices Over the Last Decade
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