Over the past decade, America’s home prices have skyrocketed, far outpacing wage growth and inflation: U.S. home values have grown by more than 95%, while average hourly earnings saw a modest 44% increase, and the Consumer Price Index rose by just 33%.Construction Coverage’s newest report breaks down 10-year home price growth across America’s major cities and all 50 states, identifying the locations where housing affordability has taken the biggest hit—and where existing homeowners have seen substantial gains in their real estate wealth.
Cities With the Largest Increase in Home Prices Over the Last Decade
Home Price Trends Following Economic Recessions
Home Price Growth by State Over the Past Decade
Cities With the Biggest 10-Year Increase in Home Price
States With the Biggest 10-Year Increase in Home Price
Photo Credit: Imagenet / Shutterstock
The data used in the study comes from Zillow and the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. To find the cities with the largest increase in home prices over the last decade, researchers at Construction Coverage compared each location’s median home value in 2014 and 2024. Locations were then ordered by their respective percentage change in median home price over those 10 years, and in the event of a tie, the location with the larger total change in home price over the last decade was ranked higher.
For relevance, only cities with complete data were included, and cities were broken into three cohorts based on population:
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