* WHAT...Periods of snow, sleet, and freezing rain that could be
heavy at times. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 3-6 in
northern Georgia and 1-3 inches in metro Atlanta and points east.
Ice accumulations around a tenth to two tenths of an inch are
possible in metro Atlanta and points east.
* WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast, northwest, and west
central Georgia.
* WHEN...From Friday morning through Saturday morning.
* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous
conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes.
Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation.
Henry County Water Authority professionals received several industry awards during the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Fall Conference.
The Henry County Water Authority’s Ray Sanders, second from left, and Cliff Hardin, third from left, accept the GAWP Collection System Platinum Award on behalf of the HCWA.
The Henry County Water Authority’s Kimbrough Pace, second from left, and Tabby Lee, third from left, accept the GAWP Water Distribution System Platinum Award on behalf of the HCWA.
Henry County Water Authority Water Reclamation Compliance Supervisor Kelly Prescott-McDaniel, center, accepts the GAWP Laboratory QA/QC Platinum Award for the Walnut Creek Water Reclamation Facility’s Central Lab. Prescott-McDaniel also received the Ira C. Kelley Award for her achievements in the environmental laboratory field.
Henry County Water Authority’s Ryan Sharpe, second from left, and Tabby Lee, third from left, accept the GAWP Laboratory QA/QC Gold Award for the Tussahaw Water Plant Lab.
James C. “Cliff” Sims Jr. was inducted into the GAWP Golden Manhole Society, which recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the art and science of collection system operations.
Henry County Water Authority professionals received several industry awards during the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Fall Conference.
The Henry County Water Authority’s Ray Sanders, second from left, and Cliff Hardin, third from left, accept the GAWP Collection System Platinum Award on behalf of the HCWA.
The Henry County Water Authority’s Kimbrough Pace, second from left, and Tabby Lee, third from left, accept the GAWP Water Distribution System Platinum Award on behalf of the HCWA.
Henry County Water Authority Water Reclamation Compliance Supervisor Kelly Prescott-McDaniel, center, accepts the GAWP Laboratory QA/QC Platinum Award for the Walnut Creek Water Reclamation Facility’s Central Lab. Prescott-McDaniel also received the Ira C. Kelley Award for her achievements in the environmental laboratory field.
Henry County Water Authority’s Ryan Sharpe, second from left, and Tabby Lee, third from left, accept the GAWP Laboratory QA/QC Gold Award for the Tussahaw Water Plant Lab.
James C. “Cliff” Sims Jr. was inducted into the GAWP Golden Manhole Society, which recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the art and science of collection system operations.
The Henry County Water Authority put a bow on its 2024 program year by bringing home awards from the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Fall Conference.
The HCWA received GAWP Platinum Awards for its (Wastewater) Collection System and Water Distribution System, as well as a Platinum Award for its Walnut Creek Water Reclamation Facility Central Laboratory and a Gold Award for its Tussahaw Water Plant Laboratory.
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