* WHAT...Periods of snow, sleet, and freezing rain that could be
heavy at times. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 3-6 in
northern Georgia and 1-3 inches in metro Atlanta and points east.
Ice accumulations around a tenth to two tenths of an inch are
possible in metro Atlanta and points east.
* WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast, northwest, and west
central Georgia.
* WHEN...From Friday morning through Saturday morning.
* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous
conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes.
Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation.
Henry County Commissioners Neat Robinson, left, Carlotta Harrell and Kevin Lewis pose for a photo with new Clayton County Board of Commissioners Chair Dr. Alieka Anderson-Henry, second from left, after her inauguration ceremony held Friday, Jan. 3 at the Clayton County Performing Arts Center in Jonesboro. Harrell, the Henry BOC chair, also was among several guest speakers — including former United Nations Ambassador and former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young and former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin. “This moment marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with promise, dedication and a shared vision for a bright future,” Harrell said.
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