Jan 18, 2025; Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA; United States forward Matko Miljevic (11) celebrates his goal with teammate United States midfielder Jack McGlynn (16) against Venezuela during the second half at Chase Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Rhona Wise-Imagn Images
With so many young players in the January camp while the veterans continued with their European clubs, it was only matter of time before several of them would make the scoresheet for the first time with the United States' Men's National Team.
That was the case Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., when Jack McGlynn in his second match and debutante Patrick Agyemang scored two minutes apart in the first half and first-timer Matko Miljevic added a goal in the 64th to help the U.S. to a 3-1 win over Venezuela in its first match of 2025.
Over the past decade, America’s home prices have skyrocketed, far outpacing wage growth and inflation: U.S. home values have grown by more than 95%, while average hourly earnings saw a modest 44% increase, and the Consumer Price Index rose by just 33%.Construction Coverage’s newest report br… Click for more.Cities With the Largest Increase in Home Prices Over the Last Decade
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