* WHAT...A wintry mix of precipitation is possible. Snow and sleet
accumulations in the mountains could average between three to six
inches with locally higher amounts possible. Further south to the
Interstate 20 corridor, a mixture of snow, sleet, freezing rain
and rain is likely. Snow accumulations of two to four inches is
possible with icing amounts around a tenth of an inch possible.
* WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast, northwest, and west
central Georgia.
* WHEN...From Friday morning through Saturday morning.
* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions, with travel likely
becoming difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the
Friday commute and linger into Saturday morning. Bridges and
overpasses could become icy even if temperatures remain slightly
above freezing.
Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this hazardous
situation. Any slight deviations in temperatures or track of the
weather system will result in changes for the precipitation type
An aerial drone view of Tropicana Field with the roof shredded following Hurricane Milton in early October. The Trop opened in 1990 and has been the home of the Rays since they began play in 1998.
The Tampa Bay Rays are no longer interested in getting out of their lease to play in their hurricane-damaged ballpark, stating instead their clear preference is to start the 2026 season in a rebuilt Tropicana Field, according to an email from team president Matt Silverman to public officials.
Tropicana Field's roof was torn apart when Hurricane Milton made landfall south of Tampa on Oct. 9. It has been estimated that the stadium, in St. Petersburg, will need about $56 million in renovations.
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