Sub-freezing temperatures tonight, coupled with lingering moisture
and slush on roadways, will lead to slick spots and patches of
black ice. Ice on roads can be very difficult or impossible to
see at night. Temperatures across most areas will drop below
freezing by early Saturday evening, with temperatures not rising
above freezing until at least mid-morning Sunday.
Use extra caution while driving and slow down to reduce your
risk. Avoid sudden breaking or rapid lane changes if possible.
‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Will Be Back for Season 4: Everything We Know So Far
While we await a premiere date for Star Trek: Strange New WorldsSeason 3 on Paramount+, there’s at least one piece of good news: We know it will be back after that. The series was renewed for Season 4 in April 2024. The show was in production on Season 3 at the time.
“It has been incredibly rewarding to continue to build the Star Trek universe, and we’re so grateful to Secret Hideout and our immensely talented casts and producers,” said Jeff Grossman, Executive Vice President, Programming, Paramount+. “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has found the perfect blend of action, adventure and humor, and we’re elated to announce another season ahead of our season three premiere.”
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