Feds tout convictions as Clayton, Henry crackdown starts

Greenbriar Discount Mall (as opposed to Greenbriar Mall) was the site of an illegal gun-running scheme taken down by Project Safe Neighborhoods. Two convicted in the case lived in Jonesboro and McDonough. U.S. Attorney Byung J. “BJay” Pak is teaming up with Clayton and Henry Counties to crack down on violent criminals. (Special Photo)

ATLANTA — As part of a federal crackdown on high-crime areas in Clayton and Henry counties, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia Byung J. “BJay” Pak points to recent convictions in cases in Atlanta that have ties to the Southern Crescent.

Project Safe Neighborhoods is stepping up activity in targeted areas in both Clayton and Henry counties. After its success in Atlanta’s English Avenue neighborhood, PSN is expanding to certain areas in Clayton and Henry counties, as well, by targeting crime prevention in neighborhood schools, as well as working with gang-affiliated prisoners before they are released back into the community.

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