ORRIN MORRIS: Wildflower variety reminds us of our own diversity

TURTLEHEAD Chelona glabra

Today let us reflect on Psalm 119:27. “Make me understand the way of Thy precepts, so I will meditate on Thy wonders.” The Genesis account of creation profoundly states mankind is made in the image of God. Yet no two of us are identical. Each of us are influenced by our environment in unique ways. We view the world and respond to the Creator in unique ways conditioned by scores of influences and personal experiences.

I have come to believe the wildflower world was planned by God to remind us of the vast differences that exist about us. We accept that diversity in nature but seem to struggle with diversity among our fellow humans. To be made in the image of God means the capacity to discern right from wrong, to feel pangs of guilt, to turn back and find forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Then we soar to the full image of God as we freely worship and commune with our Creator.

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Orrin Morris has retired from writing his column. This column previously appeared in September 2017.

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