Sub-freezing temperatures tonight, coupled with lingering moisture
and slush on roadways, will lead to slick spots and patches of
black ice. Ice on roads can be very difficult or impossible to
see at night. Temperatures across most areas will drop below
freezing by early Saturday evening, with temperatures not rising
above freezing until at least mid-morning Sunday.
Use extra caution while driving and slow down to reduce your
risk. Avoid sudden breaking or rapid lane changes if possible.
Library staff pose for a photo before the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand reopening of the McDonough Library.
The immediate family of the late Henry County Commissioner Gary Barham prepare to cut the ribbon for the Gary Barham Community Studio inside the McDonough Library.
Library staff pose for a photo before the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand reopening of the McDonough Library.
The immediate family of the late Henry County Commissioner Gary Barham prepare to cut the ribbon for the Gary Barham Community Studio inside the McDonough Library.
State Librarian and Vice Chancellor for Libraries and Archives Julie Walker was a special guest speaker.
Henry County Library System Director Kathryn Pillatzki gave a history of the McDonough Library and an overview of the renovations.
Henry County Library System Assistant Director Jennifer Parrott, left, and Branch Services Manager Kimberly Clayton were at the event.
A scene from a self-guided tour.
A scene from the event.
A scene from the event.
Library Board of Trustees Sharon Ponder gets ready to cut the ribbon during the grand reopening.
MCDONOUGH — In a culmination of a project that was years in the making, the McDonough Library celebrated its grand reopening Thursday after major renovations.
In 2019, as Henry County was preparing for its 1-cent special purpose local option sales tax 5, the late County Commissioner Gary Barham was given a walk-through of the library.
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