Congressional candidate Wayne Johnson touts experience in first bid for office

Wayne Johnson 

MACON -- Wayne Johnson for Congress has authorized the release of a poll, conducted on Oct. 4 by the polling firm, that shows the U.S. Congressional race for U.S. House District 2 between Johnson and 16-term — 32-year -- incumbent Sanford Bishop, is basically a dead heat.

The polling initial ballot shows Bishop at 45%, Johnson at 42%, other candidates at 1% and 12% undecided. Polling related to an “informed ballot” shows Johnson leading Bishop by 4%, with Johnson at 47%, Bishop at 43%, with others at 1% and undecided at 9%. The margin of error of this poll of 847 likely voters is plus or minus 3.36%. Of particular note, Johnson said in a news release, is that the poll shows Bishop's “unfavorable” rating to be at 32%, and his “favorable rating” to be only 45%.

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