As fall temperatures dip, and this endemic, former COVID-19 pandemic and flu season again make their presence known, I am reminded of two life maxims for this time of pumpkin spice and the holidays. Get your shots, and for even better year-round counsel, be wise, exercise.
The pandemic perhaps made the most lasting impacts on our youth, now even more tethered to their various technology devices, in the classroom as well as most aspects of their day to day lives, with a significant shift towards greater reliance and communication via those devices and various social media platforms, unfortunately paired with a more sedentary lifestyle. For the first time in nearly a century, the life projections for our children are now shorter than their parents (
Bill Crane is a syndicated columnist based in Decatur. He has worked in politics for Democrats and Republicans, respects the process and will try and give you some things to think about. Your thoughts and responses to his opinions are also welcome,
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