Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett announced a new partnership between Pepsi Stronger Together, The Close the Gap Foundation and the Shaquille O’Neal Foundation to bring de-escalation training to sheriff’s deputies and upgrades to the Haven House and A Friend’s House.
Shaquille O’Neal, CEO of the Shaquille O’Neal Foundation and HCSO director of communications, is working with Pepsi Stronger Together program to upgrade the county’s youth crisis and domestic violence shelters.
Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat discusses the new partnership with the FCSO and Henry County Sheriff’s Office to bring de-escalation training to both departments.
Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett announced a new partnership between Pepsi Stronger Together, The Close the Gap Foundation and the Shaquille O’Neal Foundation to bring de-escalation training to sheriff’s deputies and upgrades to the Haven House and A Friend’s House.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Shaquille O’Neal, CEO of the Shaquille O’Neal Foundation and HCSO director of communications, is working with Pepsi Stronger Together program to upgrade the county’s youth crisis and domestic violence shelters.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat discusses the new partnership with the FCSO and Henry County Sheriff’s Office to bring de-escalation training to both departments.
McDONOUGH — Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett announced a new multi-pronged partnership to bring de-escalation training to the department’s deputies.
Pepsi Stronger Together, The Close the Gap Foundation and the Shaquille O’Neal Foundation are coming together with the HCSO and the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office to train 30 department members in de-escalation techniques dubbed Train the Trainers program.
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