Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett and Shaquille O'Neal speak in front of A Friend's House Friday where it was announced O'Neal has been named the director of Community Relations for the sheriff's office.
Shaquille O’Neal has been named the director of Community Relations for Henry County Sheriff’s Office.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett and Shaquille O'Neal speak in front of A Friend's House Friday where it was announced O'Neal has been named the director of Community Relations for the sheriff's office.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett announced Friday that Shaquille O’Neal has been named director of Community Relations for the HCSO.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Shaquille O'Neal speaks with Carlotta Harrell, chair of the Henry County Board of Commission Friday.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Shaquille O’Neal walks through A Friend’s House making plans for additional upgrades to the facility.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Shaquille O’Neal walks through A Friend’s House making plans for additional upgrades to the facility.
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