What unites the trio of ladies at the center of this haunting and heartbreaking new series about desire and intimacy? “They all had [the] audacity to believe that they deserved more. They were women who needed to be seen,” says Three Women narrator Gia (Shailene Woodley, Big Little Lies, The Fault in Our Stars), who’s traveling the country to write a book about sex in America. Inspired by award-winning journalist Lisa Taddeo’s scorching non-fiction literary bestseller, the series follows three “ordinary” but wildly fascinating women poised on the precipice of radical life transformations whom Taddeo, the series creator, met in her journeys across the country. Taddeo herself, through the character of Gia, became a fourth character in the series and its connective tissue.

As she was writing the 2019 book, Taddeo felt “severely broken” by grief after the death of her parents. As she traveled around the country, she says, “I was looking for people whose understanding of their life experiences was very deep and that I could connect to…Talking to people about their traumas and desires was a road back to healing for me, a road back to a real home, something that felt true.”

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Originally published on tvinsider.com, part of the BLOX Digital Content Exchange.

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