Over the past month I have unexpectedly crossed paths with a couple of individuals I had not seen in many years. Both of them were moms whose children went to school with our kids. So during these brief encounters, we quickly caught up with the latest news on where our children are, what they are doing, and how many grandchildren we have. It was nice to reconnect with these people with whom we share a special bond. I suppose it goes back to all the significant moments we experienced together through school activities, sporting events, band concerts, and scout meetings. It was a combination of the amount of time we spent together in those days and the support we found in each other as we traversed through those busy, turbulent school years as parents.

Shared experiences, especially if those events are significant or difficult, tend to create special connections with people. Hopefully, we within the church find such relationships with our fellow followers of Jesus. We should be there to encourage, support, and pray for one another as we go through all the learning experiences in the school of life. It is those who stand with us and by us at the times of greatest joy and the moments of deepest sorrow who tend to mean the most to us. A bond is formed that can stay with us forever.

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The Rev. Tony W. Elder is pastor of Wesley Community Fellowship Church. He can be reached at 770-483-3405 or by e-mail at revtelder@aol.com.

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