Georgia center Somto Cyril (6), guard Jordyn Kee (4) and forward RJ Godfrey (10) celebrate with fans after the Bulldogs' win over Oklahoma at Stegeman Coliseum in Athens on Jan. 11, 2025.
Georgia center Somto Cyril (6), guard Jordyn Kee (4) and forward RJ Godfrey (10) celebrate with fans after the Bulldogs' win over Oklahoma at Stegeman Coliseum in Athens on Jan. 11, 2025.
Conor Dillon
Georgia's Asa Newell (14) celebrates after a basket during a win over Oklahoma at Stegeman Coliseum in Athens on January 11, 2025.
Back-to-back Southeastern Conference games at home have been great to the Georgia men’s basketball team, but a much tougher task awaits the Bulldogs this week as they venture away from the friendly confines of Stegeman Coliseum.
They travel Wednesday to Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville to face Tennessee (15-1, 2-1), the nation’s No. 1 team before a loss last week to Florida. After that road trip, they return home for a Saturday meeting with Auburn (15-1, 3-0), the team expected to slide into the No. 1 ranking nationally — though the Tigers are expected to be without star Johni Broome, a national player of the year frontrunner who suffered a serious ankle sprain in Saturday’s win at South Carolina.
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