(NewsUSA) - Winter holidays are fast approaching, and while you’re busy planning meals, buying gifts and decorating, there’s one more preparation that shouldn’t be overlooked: cleaning your home top to bottom to prepare for the influx of guests. While we tend to focus on the obvious areas – like the kitchen counters and toilets – there are several overlooked spots that are prone to grime, odors and buildup that can make or break your hosting experience.
Luckily, citric acid is here to save the day. Naturally derived, citric acid is a powerhouse cleaner that’s effective and safe when used as instructed, which is why it’s the main grime-fighting ingredient in all of Lemi Shine’s products. It’s also an incredibly versatile cleaner, effective for everything from tough mineral buildup and rust stains to deodorizing your appliances. Unlike harsh chemical cleaners, citric acid is biodegradable and won’t leave behind harmful residues. Here’s how you can use citric acid in five areas you may have missed during your holiday prep.
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