57 national forests with campgrounds open year-round
- Nicole Caldwell
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Outwander used USDA Forest Service data to identify year-round campgrounds in national forests and provided information about their availability.
57 national forests with campgrounds open year-round
UpdatedPennsylvania: Allegheny National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: Angeles National Forest
UpdatedArizona: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
UpdatedUtah and Wyoming: Ashley National Forest
UpdatedMontana: Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
UpdatedSouth Dakota and Wyoming: Black Hills National Forest
UpdatedGeorgia: Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest
UpdatedWisconsin: Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest
UpdatedMinnesota: Chippewa National Forest
UpdatedNew Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas: Cibola National Forest and Grasslands
UpdatedCalifornia: Cleveland National Forest
UpdatedArizona: Coconino National Forest Recreation
UpdatedWashington: Colville National Forest
UpdatedArizona: Coronado National Forest
UpdatedMontana and South Dakota: Custer Gallatin National Forest
UpdatedNorth Dakota: Dakota Prairie Grasslands
UpdatedKentucky: Daniel Boone National Forest
UpdatedOregon: Deschutes National Forest
UpdatedUtah: Dixie National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: Eldorado National Forest
UpdatedSouth Carolina: Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests
UpdatedKentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia: George Washington & Jefferson National Forest
UpdatedWashington: Gifford Pinchot National Forest
UpdatedNew Mexico: Gila National Forest
UpdatedIndiana: Hoosier National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia and Nevada: Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
UpdatedMichigan: Huron-Manistee National Forests
UpdatedIdaho: Idaho Panhandle National Forests
UpdatedNew Mexico: Lincoln National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: Los Padres National Forest
UpdatedColorado and Utah: Manti-La Sal National Forest
UpdatedMissouri: Mark Twain National Forest
UpdatedTexas: National Forests and Grasslands in Texas
UpdatedAlabama: National Forests in Alabama
UpdatedNorth Carolina: National Forests in North Carolina
UpdatedNebraska: Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands
UpdatedIdaho: Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests
UpdatedWashington: Olympic National Forest
UpdatedMichigan: Ottawa National Forest
UpdatedArkansas and Oklahoma: Ouachita National Forest
UpdatedArkansas: Ozark-St. Francis National Forests
UpdatedColorado and Kansas: Pike-San Isabel National Forests
UpdatedArizona: Prescott National Forest
UpdatedColorado: Rio Grande National Forest
UpdatedOregon: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
UpdatedIdaho: Salmon-Challis National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: San Bernardino National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: Sequoia National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: Shasta-Trinity National Forest
UpdatedIllinois: Shawnee National Forest
UpdatedCalifornia: Sierra National Forest
UpdatedOregon: Siuslaw National Forest
UpdatedAlaska: Tongass National Forest
UpdatedArizona: Tonto National Forest
UpdatedOregon: Umpqua National Forest
UpdatedIdaho and Oregon: Wallowa Whitman National Forest
UpdatedOregon: Willamette National Forest
UpdatedOriginally published on outwander.com, part of the BLOX Digital Content Exchange.
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