Dec 22, 2024; Orlando, Florida, [USA]; Tiger Woods hits a tee shot on the fifth hole during the PNC Championship at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club. Mandatory Credit: Nathan Ray Seebeck-Imagn Images
Tiger Woods admitted he has far greater concerns than the status of next month's Genesis Invitational, the PGA Tour event that he has hosted since 2019.
With wildfires ravaging the Los Angeles area, Woods said that real life carries more weight than the event that is slated to be held at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades from Feb. 13-16.
First-time home buyers, especially millennials, are fighting an uphill battle in today’s real estate market—in part because of a growing trend in which baby boomers are planning to age in place. This report examines where baby boomers lead in homeownership—and where younger buyers may face l… Click for more.Baby Boomer-Dominant Housing Markets
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