Relative humidities at or below 30 percent and westerly wind gusts
up to 35 mph can be expected for around 4 hours this afternoon
and evening north of Interstate 20.
South of Interstate 20 relative humidities below 25 percent and
westerly wind gusts near 25 mph are anticipated for around 4 hours
this afternoon and evening.
With relatively dry fuels, high fire danger conditions can be
Please refer to your local burn permitting authorities
whether you may burn outdoors. If you do burn outside,
use extreme caution.
Shingleroof Camp Meeting will begin Friday, July 15 and end Thursday, July 21, with services at 7:45 each evening and at 11 a.m. on Saturday through Thursday.
Shingleroof Camp Meeting will begin Friday, July 15 and end Thursday, July 21, with services at 7:45 each evening and at 11 a.m. on Saturday through Thursday.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
A view of the Shingleroof Tabernacle from the dining hall’s front porch. Lunch and dinner will be served each day of the camp meeting.
Staff Photo: Heather Middleton
Doug Stroup will serve as worship leader at Shingleroof Campmeeting.
Special Photo
Amy Stroup will be the pianist for the week of Shingleroof Campmeeting.
Special Photo
The Rev. Nate Keeler will the message Friday evening through Sunday evening at Shingleroof Campmeeting.
McDONOUGH — In just a few days, children will again run and dip their toes into the cold water spring flowing through this hallowed piece of land in McDonough. Many children will be playing in that same natural spring where their ancestors once drew water for drinking and cooking during what became, for some, the highlight of the year. And like those generations before them, children and their families this year will hear preachers talk about God’s love, forgiveness and salvation during camp meeting at the historic Shingleroof.
As Henry County celebrates its 200th anniversary, 2021’s Shingleroof is being called by organizers the Henry County Bicentennial Campmeeting.
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