Cheesesteaks are decadent sliced beef sandwiches covered in gooey cheese and served on crusty rolls. According to Philadelphia’s official tourism site, Pat Oliveri invented the cheesesteak in the 1930s. Oliveri was a hot dog vendor who decided to grill beef from the butcher and put it on an Italian roll. A cab driver smelled the creation and asked for the sandwich. Word spread about this new concoction, and soon lots of customers were coming by for their own. Oliveri opened up Pat’s King of Steaks on 9th Street soon after. Cheese was added later to the sandwiches in the 1940s after a suggestion from manager Joe Lorenza.
Cheesesteaks have become synonymous with Philadelphia. In fact, there is a fierce rivalry between Pat’s and Geno’s, which is another cheesesteak restaurant that opened across the street from Pat’s in 1966 and claims they were the first to add cheese to the steak. Fierce loyalties to both of these restaurants stand today in Philadelphia. However, a person doesn’t have to take sides when he or she makes cheesesteak at home. This recipe, courtesy of chef Robert Irvine and the Food Network®, is easy and quick.
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