ORRIN MORRIS: The hand of God is loving, gracious

PRIMROSE-WILLOW Ludwigia decurrens

There are many opinions of what is occurring with the weather and why such is happening. Some people explain weather changes as the whimsical nature of the natural world. Others see it as the result of irresponsible management of natural resources. Then there are those who declare the extremes of flood or drought as God’s punishment for the victims’ sins. These latter philosophers are the ones that “scare” me.

I grew up in Nebraska during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl Days of the 1930s. We had extremes in weather as bad as and at times more severe than today. Sometimes the weather does seem whimsical and there is plenty of evidence of irresponsible management of resources. From the Dust Bowl Days we learned to use contour hedge-rows that prevent winds rushing down straight rows of corn and other crops. Further, we discovered the amazing Ogalala Aquifer, but now it is nearly depleted by over-use.

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Orrin Morris has retired from writing his column. This column previously appeared in October 2017.

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