Chief Assistant District Attorney Cheveda McCamy, Director of Victim Services for the DA’s Office Kiauna Rosemond, McDonough Police Chief Preston Dorsey and Solicitor-General Pamela Bettis plant a tree along the bank of the pond at Big Springs Park Thursday to commemorate and honor victims of crime. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
District Attorney Darius Pattillo helps load boxes filled with donations to Haven House outside the Henry County courthouse Friday morning. Haven House Director Katie Tucker, left, said she was grateful for the new partnership with the DA’s Office. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Solicitor-General Pamela Bettis addresses the crowd gathered for the tree-planting ceremony at Big Springs Park Thursday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
McDonough Police Chief Preston Dorsey presents Chief Assistant District Attorney Cheveda McCamy with a proclaimation from the McDonough City Council honoring the county's prosecutors, law enforcement officers and support staff members who work toward justice and peace. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Chief Assistant District Attorney Cheveda McCamy addresses the crowd gathered for the tree-planting ceremony at Big Springs Park Thursday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney's Office Victims Services staff pose for a photo with the tree planted in honor of this year's National Crime Victims' Rights Week. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney’s Office and the Henry County Sheriff’s Office help to load dozens of boxes of donations to Haven House outside the county courthouse Friday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
District Attorney Darius Pattillo pitches in to help load boxes of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for transport to Haven House, the county’s domestic violence shelter. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney's Office and the Henry County Sheriff's Office help to load dozens of boxes of donations to Haven House outside the county courthouse Friday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney's Office and the Henry County Sheriff's Office helped to load dozens of boxes of donations to Haven House outside the county courthouse Friday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Chief Assistant District Attorney Cheveda McCamy, Director of Victim Services for the DA’s Office Kiauna Rosemond, McDonough Police Chief Preston Dorsey and Solicitor-General Pamela Bettis plant a tree along the bank of the pond at Big Springs Park Thursday to commemorate and honor victims of crime. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
District Attorney Darius Pattillo helps load boxes filled with donations to Haven House outside the Henry County courthouse Friday morning. Haven House Director Katie Tucker, left, said she was grateful for the new partnership with the DA’s Office. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Solicitor-General Pamela Bettis addresses the crowd gathered for the tree-planting ceremony at Big Springs Park Thursday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
McDonough Police Chief Preston Dorsey presents Chief Assistant District Attorney Cheveda McCamy with a proclaimation from the McDonough City Council honoring the county's prosecutors, law enforcement officers and support staff members who work toward justice and peace. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Chief Assistant District Attorney Cheveda McCamy addresses the crowd gathered for the tree-planting ceremony at Big Springs Park Thursday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney's Office Victims Services staff pose for a photo with the tree planted in honor of this year's National Crime Victims' Rights Week. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney’s Office and the Henry County Sheriff’s Office help to load dozens of boxes of donations to Haven House outside the county courthouse Friday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
District Attorney Darius Pattillo pitches in to help load boxes of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for transport to Haven House, the county’s domestic violence shelter. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney's Office and the Henry County Sheriff's Office help to load dozens of boxes of donations to Haven House outside the county courthouse Friday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
Members of the Henry County District Attorney's Office and the Henry County Sheriff's Office helped to load dozens of boxes of donations to Haven House outside the county courthouse Friday. (Staff Photo: Chelsea Prince)
McDONOUGH — A freshly planted smoketree at the edge of the pond at Big Springs Park will provide a quiet place of reflection for victims of crimes and their families.
Members of the Henry County District Attorney’s Office and Solicitor’s Office turned dirt at the site during a special ceremony Thursday to commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, which runs April 8 to 14. The tree will grow and produce purple-hued leaves, an intentional choice for the color’s significance to the campaign to end domestic violence.
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